Saturday, June 11, 2011

NATO and Libya

First, I must admit up front that I do NOT watch TV. Because of that, I miss out a lot on the hype that goes around about things like what is happening in North Africa. Doesn't mean I don't have an opinion about it nor that I don't read about it, and it is getting clearer to me that there is something very strange about this "war of liberation."

First off, the population of the nation isn't all that large, so if Gadhafi was the "evil dictator" that he is made out to be, it seems to me that the government would have collapsed very quickly. Since it hasn't, I have to question how "unpopular" Gadhafi is compared to the so called "rebels." What I read on the internet tends to give me reason to question the validity of the tag "rebels."

And here again, I also have to wonder what the "stake" in this "civil war" is for NATO and the US. I can not find any justification for the United States forces being used in what should be a simple internal struggle between a group of people that are upset with their government and the government that is upset with that group. I have to admit that I didn't see any interdiction from NATO or the US in Egypt, so why Libya? Could it REALLY truly be all about oil after all?

But in the end, when the combined might, if you will, of Europe and the US haven't brought down the Leader, I would have to say, it tells ME that there are far more Gadhafi supporters then there are rebels. So NATO and Obama, leave Libya to the Libyans, and get to hell out of their personal affairs!

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